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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Beauty. Tampilkan semua postingan

Rabu, 05 Desember 2012

Causes Stomach Buncit

Six Causes Stomach Buncit

Causes Stomach Buncit
Pot belly is making him uncomfortable. Not just feeling tired during body movement or simply walking, but also ruin the appearance because of the shape of the body so it is not proportional. How can stomach bloated?

Health expert Dr. Selfie C. Rijal said, a lot of causes that make the stomach becomes distended. First, the matter of heredity. "Heredity of parents is generally difficult to remove," he said.Second, related to aging. With age, the production of the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) began to decline. A study by Harvard Women's Health Watch found an association of these hormones decline with increased fat accumulation in the abdomen.

The third cause, certain foods and drinks. The doctor graduated from the University of Padjadjaran pointed sugar and alcohol as the culprit. Mainly contained in beer, it can make the muscles become loose.From the view of nutrition, he said, alcohol is very harmful to the body. This is because alcohol is high in calories, the same as the number of calories in fatty foods. Apart from that, when drinking alcohol, the liver will work very hard to eliminate alcohol, as well as the delay to filter sugar.

"Sugar is then stored as body fat. In addition, alcohol can also increase appetite, "said the doctor who practices at Sari Asih Hospital in Tangerang, Banten.He also called fast food as the cause of belly fat, because of the amount of calories and fat are very high. Then the milk. When the milk consumed is high in calories, the result can be inflated belly shape. "Therefore, we encourage the consumption of milk is low in calories," he said.The cause of the fourth, Selfi revealed, is capable of damaging tobacco bowels. He reminded, usually when smoke after a meal, the stomach feel bloated because digestion is not working properly.The cause of the fifth, stress. Psychological conditions can interfere with the body and digestion. Stress can also make you feel full and cause problems in the body's ability to store fat. The result looks more fluffy belly. "To overcome this, learn to be more relaxed and breathing slowly and deeply," he said.Selfi warned, women are more vulnerable to stress tend to have excess abdominal fat, even though she was not overweight. This is likely due to the effects of the stress hormone cortisol which makes the accumulation of fat around the abdominal organs.

Sixth Cause related to hormonal changes, especially during menopause. This can cause a decrease in the production of the sex hormones estrogen which leads to an increase in abdominal fat.Unequal distribution of fat, Selfi said, can make people with small bodies have belly fat. Indeed, it looks very uncomfortable. The reason, he said, due to excessive carbohydrate intake. For example, a lot of eating rice with noodles, rice noodles or dumplings made from many ingredients flour. Excessive carbohydrate intake more than is required by the body will be stored as fat. The most widely used to store is in the abdomen, precisely in antarorgan cavities in the abdomen.

"The buildup of fat in the abdomen can also be a sign of a lack of physical activity and decrease metabolism," he said. "The main factor of the formation of belly fat is a lifestyle and widespread advertising in the media."Is it true that if you go to sleep after eating the stomach so bloated? "Yes. It happened because of gastric digestion can not work properly, resulting in a distended abdomen, "he said.
No exception with soft drinks. Types of drinks makes the stomach so bloated, so the shape will bulge. "Air bubbles in carbonated drinks can membuncitkan stomach," said Selfie, warned.

How to tackle dandruff naturally

Sources of Healthy Nutrition Can Against Dandruff

head of dandruff
Besides disturbing the comfort, also reduces dandruff hair beauty. But quietly, some nutrients may help reduce the production of dandruff on the scalp:


Health benefits of garlic have no doubt. Garlic is known to contain many beneficial substances to aid healing. Especially for dandruff, garlic may also help reduce the incidence of white flakes in the hair.This is because garlic contains a substance called allisin. These substances can serve as a beneficial natural anti-fungal. To reduce dandruff attack, garlic can be consumed or applied directly to the skin. How, geprak garlic and let stand for 10-15 minutes. After digeprak, garlic producing more and more allisin. After that garlic can be used for flavoring food or hair mask.For the hair mask, to make it more comfortable mix of crushed garlic (not sliced) with pure honey. Apply on hair, leave on for 10-15 minutes then rinse. Wash your hair with shampoo to remove the smell of garlic on hair.


Dandruff can also arise due to poor digestion. Ginger can help prevent it, because in addition to helping improve digestion, ginger also contains substances that function as antifungal and antibacterial.The best ginger is fresh ginger. Ginger can be used for mixed drinks, food, or hair mask. To make a hair mask, ginger puree and mix with olive oil to form a thick liquid. Apply evenly to hair and let stand for 10 minutes. After that, rinse with shampoo. For maximum results, repeat 2-3 times a week. Within 3-4 weeks you can see the results.


Orange juice is suitable for dealing with dandruff that comes from too oily or dry hair. For owners of dry scalp, lime juice can help remove dead skin cells and kill bacteria that cause dandruff.For maximum results, combine with coconut oil moisturizes. Mix the lime juice with coconut oil. Apply evenly to hair and let stand for 10 minutes before rinsing with clean water. Perform this step is always 30 minutes before shampooing for maximum results.For the owner of an oily scalp, lime juice can help lift the excess oil as well as combating the bacteria that cause dandruff. Cut the lemon into quarters. Then wipe the head with pressed for juice. After evenly, gently massage your scalp to soak up more juice. Let stand 10-15 minutes then rinse with clean water. Do it once a week before shampooing.

Apples and apple cider vinegar

Who would have thought of fresh apples can help reduce dandruff on the head. The secret? Apples have enzymes that can help lift the rest of the dead skin and impurities cause dandruff. Using apple juice on the scalp for 10 minutes can help reduce dandruff ferociously. Do this treatment regularly before washing hair.Not only fresh apples, apple cider vinegar can also help eradicate the stubborn dandruff. Apple cider vinegar is now widely available in supermarkets or drug stores contain enzymes and potassium efficacy in treating dandruff.

Use apple cider vinegar for scalp massaging gently for 5-10 minutes. Besides it can also mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to the last rinse while washing hair. This treatment can help remove dead skin on the head rest that could potentially clog the pores to cause dandruff.Goodbye, dandruff.

Beauty Care

10 Habits of a Destructive Beauty Care Health

Beauty Care

When was the last time you clean your make-up bag?Perhaps such a question never occurred to your mind. But experts warn about some beauty treatments that can be bad for your health.Here is a list of 10 habits regarding the risk to health beauty:

1. Never wash make-up brushes

Cosmetic brush you put on make-up bag is a hotbed of disease and germs. If you never clean your cosmetic tools - at least once a week - they will be contaminated by dead skin cells, oil, and even bacteria.The result? Diseases such as allergic reactions and infections of the skin. So, make cosmetic cleaning tool as important as cleaning your face. Bit of baby shampoo, warm water and a little soap quite helpful.

2. Borrowing lipstick and eye make-up

You leave your eye make-up at home, but the home office later turns out there is an event. Ah, borrow make-up alone from a friend's office. It may sound impractical, but wearing lipstick and eye make-up belonging to someone else is not a good idea.Lips, mouth, and throat are home to all sorts of germs and you can not tell whether your friend is germ free only from looking at it. In addition to fever and flu viruses that can potentially infect your lips can rupture and bleed, and eventually transferring diseases incubate in the blood.In addition, bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, which can cause severe skin infections, often found in eye makeup. Conjunctivitis (eye inflammation) can easily be passed as well.

3. Borrowing nail clippers and nail cutter

Even sharing nail clippers and pengikir can threaten your health. Speck of blood on the skin around the nail can spread germs invisible to the user through a slit the skin further. Of course, your friends are not seen surrounded flies - but they may be suffering from Hepatitis B, a disease that damages the liver, without you knowing it.

4. Using expired cosmetics

Your favorite lipstick is no longer manufactured. So no one dong, if you still have the lipstick was made in 2002? Such as food, cosmetics also have an expiration date - and still use it after the expiration will cause an infection.Always check the expiration date printed on the package of lipstick. Also, remember: Most powder, concealer and lipbalm only lasting a few years. Moisturizers can not hold later than six months because they contain fatty acids, which can not last long.Eyebrow pencil can last several years unless you wet the tip with saliva or water. But the mascara and eye make-up in general should be replaced after a maximum of three months of usage. Foundation can last a year if you are not directly touching it with your hands. Store cosmetics in a cool, dry place outside the bathroom to maintain durability.

5. Using eyeliner inside the lash line

No matter how many celebrities who use eyeliner inside the lash line eyes, avoid! The doctors warned that this can clog the pores of oil, which helps the production of tears, on the outskirts of your eyelids. If the hole is clogged pores, you will suffer from dry eye syndrome, which can cause inflammation. If not treated, it can damage the eyes and cause blindness.

6. Not careful in nail salon

A perfect pampering experience - spa luxury pedicure foot followed. But be careful where you do care, and pay close attention to the habit of the therapist. If the spa does not do periodic cleaning to foot tub with anti-fungal cleaner then place it could be fertile ground for a foot infection.Using the same tool for every client can also transmit warts, which disebabkann by the human papilloma virus (HPV), as well as bacterial and fungal infections. All equipment must pass through the liquid disinfectant before switching clients.

7. Doing 'fish spa'

Small fish nibble your feet are the most popular treatments today - but make sure you do a spa before. Although the risk of contamination is small, chances are it will increase if the client has a wound in the leg or just shaving and waxing.So make sure you check the condition of health therapist and examine the legs first, and make sure foot tub was very clean. People who have injuries must be treated first and the people who have psoriasis or diabetes should avoid these fish spa.

8. Ignoring the discomfort at the hair salon.

Be careful with painful stiffness in the neck when your hair washed at the salon. Studies suggest that uncomfortable position when you're washed in the salon, in some cases, can lead to stroke. This occurs because the arteries in the neck stuck, cutting blood flow to the brain.This can cause dizziness, facial numbness, and even blood clots. Avoid this by using a towel as a pad, or ask your hair washed rather advanced.

9. Too polite on the massage table

Be careful with the masseuse who had a painful massage. Pijitan too tight can cause injuries, such as broken tendon and severe muscle tension.Always said if felt uncomfortable and provide feedback on a good amount of pressure. "Pain is always a warning sign," said a doctor. Be careful if you are experiencing back problems, are pregnant, or suffer from osteoporosis - and make sure you have a reputable masseur safe.

10. Do not test your hair before your hair dyed

You've painted the hair before and want to make changes appearance - so why should they test as suggested label? Since allergic reactions can occur and the results can be very serious.Organic compounds known as PPD in hair dyes are common in can lead to anaphylactic reactions in some severe cases - which can be fatal. More recently, a teenager from England named Tabatha McCourt collapsed and died after suffering extreme reaction due to hair dye.Hair dye labeled 'natural,' organic 'or' eco 'does not guarantee that does not contain PPD in it. There is a campaign to ban PPD done, but while it is better to use dyes that fade after six weeks or allergy test 48 hours before hair painting.Iain Copy, a trichologist, said: "Even if you've dyed hair 100 times before, you can still suffer from an allergy at any time."

Health is Important

Breast Inspection Technique

In order not hesitate to do the breast exam, you need to get information about how common breast examination and weaknesses. Here are some breast examination techniques that you can find in a hospital.


Techniques mammography is the most popular examination techniques were used to examine breasts. It is recommended that women perform mammography examination every year, especially for women who have aged 35 years or older.This technique is done by way of emphasis on the breast area and then use the X-ray radiation is very low to get a picture of the breast. Detection is done is to find subtle calcifications in the breast that can be a precursor of breast cancer. Mammography can detect lesions that are very small in size which is not palpable.Weakness mammography is less sensitive when used to examine young women with dense breasts and have not given birth. In addition, mammography can not differentiate solid lesions and lesions anatara liquid. If so, then need an ultrasound to get the right results.


USG (ultrasonography)

On examination with ultrasound uses sound waves to detect abnormalities in the breast. Ultrasound can be used to check for breast cancer in women aged less than 30 years old, pregnant women and breast-feeding can not be detected correctly if using a Mammography. This technique can also be used to examine women using breast implants.One disadvantage of ultrasound is highly dependent on the operator (operator dependent) for accurate results. Meanwhile, the weakness of other woods are not able to detect subtle calcification also can not accurately detect the breast fat dominated. Thus, Ultrasound and Mammography examinations performed together to get maximum results.


MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)

The use of MRI is the most accurate examination techniques because it has high sensitivity to small bumps. MRI uses a powerful magnetic field and radio waves. The downside of this examination is expensive and long scan times. Thus, MRI is usually recommended if there is suspicion of a lump, no palpable lump in the breast implant the data.



Scan using the PET radiopharmaceutical agent to get a 3-dimensional color images and is used to detect changes in the cells in the human body. PET scan can provide information on anatomy, metabolism, and spread of cancer cells in the body. Weakness PET-Scan is a very expensive price checking. So the examination technique is not recommended for regular screening. PET scan is needed to determine how cancer patients cancer spread so they can know the success of a particular treatment or therapy.



Biopsy method is the examination by taking a tissue sample from the suspected cancerous lump and then  examined under a microscope if the cells are cancerous or not.The disadvantage, biopsy cause injuries. This technique is done if there is a suspicious lump and still can not be detected by other tests, because the accuracy is good enough to detect breast cancer.  The other thing that requires a biopsy is surgery as soon as possible if necessary because of the suspected cancerous lumps are malignant.



Always keep your breast health. You can also perform breast self-examination (BSE technique) every day. But it would be better if you can do a breast exam with more advanced technology. Check your breasts to detect abnormalities which, if caught early will ease the process of healing and saving the lives of patients.